What are the benefits of strawberry? What is strawberry good for?

What are the benefits of strawberry?  What is strawberry good for?

What are the benefits of strawberry?  What is strawberry good for?
The indispensable fruit of the summer months does not end with the benefits of strawberry.  Strawberry, which is one of the most beloved fruits with its smell and taste, contains plenty of phosphorus and iron.  If we list the benefits:

 Health Benefits of Strawberry


Eating strawberries regularly reduces the level of LDL (bad) cholesterol, according to a study by the University of Salamanca in Spain.  23 volunteers who participated in the study ate half a kilo of strawberries every day for 1 month.  In tests conducted, the participants' LDL cholesterol levels decreased by approximately 9%.  HDL (good) cholesterol levels remained the same.  Experts state that more research is needed about why strawberry reduces cholesterol, but according to the first results, this feature of the strawberry comes from the pigment called "anthocyanin", which gives the fruit its red color.


Antioxidants are abundant in strawberries, which increase the body's resistance to diseases, protect against cancer, reduce the risk of Alzheimer's, protect cardiovascular health, and especially prevent aging health problems.  According to an article published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition in 2006, strawberry is among the 50 foods rich in antioxidants.  The antioxidant effect of the strawberry is due to the content of anthocyanin, which gives the fruit its bright red color, because it contains high vitamin C and the pigment of quercetin.  This in itself is a condition that reduces the risk of cancer.  However, strawberry contains another plant-specific chemical (phytochemical) called “ellagic acid” that slows the development of cancer.  Of course, it is quite early to say “strawberry prevents cancer”.  Because so far, the number of studies on this subject is very few and all of them are based on cell examinations in the laboratory.  Although research is needed with the participation of people, the first results are very promising.  According to research on this subject that started in the 1970s and continues until today, ellagic acid in berries suppresses the growth of the tumor in some types of cancer.  Apart from strawberries, raspberry, cranberry, walnut and pomegranate are among the fruits rich in ellagic acid.

 Cardiovascular Health

The effective antioxidant content of the strawberry provides protection against oxidative stress, which prepares the ground for cardiovascular diseases.  Scientific studies reveal that the polyphenols in blueberry, cranberry and strawberry reduce LDL oxidation and the risk of cardiovascular diseases.  There are research results that women who eat 3 meals a week from these fruits reduce their risk of heart attack by up to 32%.


Most diabetics usually prefer to stay away from strawberry because of its sweet taste, but 1 cup of strawberries can be a healthy snack.  Moreover, it does not raise blood sugar as feared.  Experts state that the fiber structure of the strawberry gives a feeling of satiety for a long time and long satiety causes less carbohydrates to be consumed throughout the day.  Strawberries with plenty of nutrients may be a good choice for this.


The benefits of strawberry to the skin are due to its high content of vitamin C.  Strawberries, which contain more vitamin C than orange and grapefruit, prevent problems such as dry skin, premature wrinkles.  Strawberry has many benefits to the skin not only when it is eaten as a fruit, but also when it is applied to the face as a mask.

 Bone Health

Strawberry contains manganese mineral used in the production of enzymes that protect bone structure.  Manganese is also a mineral that is taken during the absorption of calcium, which is extremely important for the maintenance of bone health.
What are the benefits of strawberry?  What is strawberry good for?

 Calorie of Strawberry and Nutritional Value

 Half a bowl of strawberries (8 pieces, 144 grams);

 - 46 calories
 - 11 grams of total carbs
 - 3 grams of dietary fiber (12% of the daily requirement)
 - 7 grams of sugar
 - 1 gram of protein (2% of daily need)
 - 64.7 mg vitamin C (141% of your daily need)
 - 0.4 mg vitamin E (2% of daily need)
 - 3.2 mcg vitamin K (4% of your daily need)
 0.6 mg niacin (3% of your daily need)
 - 0.1 mg vitamin B6 (3% of your daily need)
 34.6 mcg folate (9% of your daily need)
 - 23 mg calcium (2% of daily need)
 - 0.6 mg iron (3% of your daily need)
 - 18.7 mg magnesium (5% of daily need)
 34.6 mg of phosphorus (3% of daily need)
 - 220 mg potassium (6% of daily need)
 - 0.2 mg zinc (1% of daily need)
 - 0.1 mg copper (3% of your daily need)
 0.6 mg manganese (28% of the daily need)
 0.6 mcg selenium (1% of daily need)
 - 93.6 mg omega 3 fatty acids
 - 130 mg omega 6 fatty acid
 - It contains 131 grams of water.

 Strawberry is one of the few fruits containing oxalate.  When the amount of oxalate in the body fluids increases, they can crystallize, causing bladder and kidney problems.  For this reason, people who have not yet treated untreated bladder and kidney stones are not recommended to consume strawberries.  If you have such a condition, you can get information from your doctor about the foods you should not eat or eat.

 Strawberry can cause allergies in some people.  The most common symptoms of strawberry allergy are itching in the throat and mouth, watery eyes, and runny nose.

 Some Figures About Strawberry:

 - Turkey ranks 2nd after the USA in the production of strawberries.
 - Annual strawberry production worldwide is approximately 5 million tons.
 - 53% of children 7-9 years old favorite fruit is strawberry.
 - 8 strawberries contain 140% of the daily vitamin C requirement.
 - 70% of the strawberry plant root is only in the soil at a depth of 3 centimeters.
 - There is a museum in Belgium where only strawberries are subject.
 - Strawberry is from the same family as the rose.
 - The weather conditions in which it grows determine the taste of the strawberry.
 - There are an average of 200 seeds in 1 strawberry.
 - Per capita strawberry consumption in the USA is 2.2 kilograms per year.
