What are the benefits of peach? What are the calorie and nutritional values ​​of peach?

What are the benefits of peach?  What are the calorie and nutritional values ​​of peach?

What are the benefits of peach?  What are the calorie and nutritional values ​of peach?

 The fruit of peach, which is very popular and consumed in summer, has numerous benefits for the human body.  Peach, which is a very juicy fruit, can also be consumed as a dessert.  So how are the peach nutritional values?  How many calories in a peach?  What are the benefits of peach?

Peach is the most consumed juicy fruit in summer.  However, as it is a bit difficult to eat with its skin, it is preferred to be peeled and consumed.  Apart from being a peach fruit, it is a fruit that can be consumed as a dessert.  In addition, it is low in calories, fat-free but also has a lot of nutritional value.  For those who are on a diet;  It is a fruit that can be highly preferred in preventing the sweet crisis.

 Peaches are very rich in vitamin content.  Vitamin A and C value is high.  In addition, vitamins E and K are also rarely found.  It also contains other vitamins such as B6, riboflavin (B2), niacin (B3), folic acid (B9), pantothenic acid (B5), thiamine (B1).

 It is very much in the minerals that peach contains.  Thanks to the potassium it contains;  It creates an effect that prevents the formation of kidney stones, is good for bone ailments and helps regulate blood pressure.  One large peach has 333 mg of potassium.  If the amount of potassium that a person should take during the day is 4700 mg, peach is effective in terms of providing it.  In addition, magnesium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, zinc, copper, manganese minerals are found.

 Peach is also a fruit rich in fiber.  It has a fiber content of 3 grams.  It helps with digestion, cholesterol level, preventing heart disease, and preventing obesity and diabetes.

 Peach and peel containing antioxidant substances;  It is a great help for the body to remove harmful toxins.  An important antioxidant, chlorogenic acid eliminates radicals that damage cells, which is in the peach content.  It provides significant benefits in terms of the protective effect of antioxidants against cancer and its ability to fight inflammations.
What are the benefits of peach?  What are the calorie and nutritional values ​​of peach?

 What are the nutritional values ​​of peach?

 Nutritional values ​​in 1 medium peach;

 Contains -59 calories.

 -1 gram protein

 -13 grams of sugar

 -489 IU vitamin A (10% of total omega-3 fatty acids, 3 mg daily)

 -2.2 grams of dietary fiber (9% of the daily requirement)

 -1.1 mg vitamin E (5% of the daily requirement)

 -9.9 mg vitamin C (17% of the daily requirement)

 -1.2 mg niacin (6% of daily requirement)

 -3.9 mcg vitamin K (5% of the daily requirement)

 -9 mg calcium (1% of daily requirement)

 -6 mcg folate (1% of daily requirement)

 -0.4 mg iron (2% of daily requirement)

 -30 mg phosphorus (3% of daily requirement)

 -0.3 mg zinc (2% of daily requirement)

 -13.5 mg magnesium (3% of daily requirement)

 -285 mg potassium (8% daily requirement)

 -0.1 mg copper (5% of daily requirement)

 -0.1 mg manganese (5% of the daily requirement)

 -126 mg total omega-6 fatty acids

 -3 mg contains total omega-3 fatty acids.

 What are the Benefits of Peach?

 It is a fruit that can be applied for diet due to keeping peach full. It acts as a shield against cancer due to its antioxidant content. It prevents diabetes and heart disease.  It is good for rheumatism diseases. It is beneficial for anemia. It prevents cataracts.
